Central Verification Office
Develop a single source of truth of provider information

Client Department: AdventHealth Clinical
Date: July 2022 – September 2022
Keywords: Expert Interviews, Ecosystem Mapping

The Challenge
How might we create and maintain a single source of complete and accurate provider information?
The Approach
Through 1:1 interviews with 18 stakeholders, the team created an ecosystem map illustrating how provider information flows between 16 business units, managing 8 data sets across 13 platforms. Then the team hosted a co-creation session with 35 business leaders to align on the guiding principles and identify requirements for the new Central Verification Office.
The Outcome
• Alignment of common terminology and naming system such as 'location,' and 'expertise.'
• Guiding Principle to create Central Verification Office
• Requirements for new software purchase
• Current and Future Ecosystem Map
The Impact
The aligned guiding principles and requirements became the decision-maker when choosing new software. The map not only revealed the current complicated and redundant data flow but also served as a tool to collaborate and imagine the new structure of credentialing and privileging providers.
Co-creation Session with 35 business unit leaders
Large group discussion
Large group discussion
Ecosystem Map
Ecosystem Map
Breakout group
Breakout group
Share out
Share out
Virtual Participants
Virtual Participants
Group Photo
Group Photo
Project sponsor and next step
Project sponsor and next step

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