Central Verification Office
Develop a single source of truth of provider information
Client Department: AdventHealth Clinical
Date: July 2022 – September 2022
Keywords: Expert Interviews, Ecosystem Mapping
The Challenge
How might we create and maintain a single source of complete and accurate provider information?
The Approach
Through 1:1 interviews with 18 stakeholders, the team created an ecosystem map illustrating how provider information flows between 16 business units, managing 8 data sets across 13 platforms. Then the team hosted a co-creation session with 35 business leaders to align on the guiding principles and identify requirements for the new Central Verification Office.
The Outcome
• Alignment of common terminology and naming system such as 'location,' and 'expertise.'
• Guiding Principle to create Central Verification Office
• Requirements for new software purchase
• Current and Future Ecosystem Map
The Impact
The aligned guiding principles and requirements became the decision-maker when choosing new software. The map not only revealed the current complicated and redundant data flow but also served as a tool to collaborate and imagine the new structure of credentialing and privileging providers.
Co-creation Session with 35 business unit leaders

Large group discussion

Ecosystem Map

Breakout group

Share out

Virtual Participants

Group Photo